A New Era for Chiropractic
We’ve all experienced moments of the traditional medical system falling short. Botched surgeries, long wait-lists, drawn out inconclusive tests, or worst of all, trying to solve a complex issue with a pill. Here is where we make a stand, take control of our own health and get real results!
Modern Pain Management
We place a large emphasis on treating and strengthening the body as a whole rather than just addressing symptoms. This approach draws on knowledge from various fields, including fascial anatomy, respiratory health, and especially strength training. By understanding how different parts of the body are interconnected, we can develop more effective strategies for pain relief and problem solving!
Its critical to zoom out first, pinpoint small yet impactful areas for opportunity that compound (like interest for your investments) and lead to tangible results. Below, we’ll explore some innovative techniques, paint a small picture of the things we value and provide three actionable items you can take advantage of right away.
The Role of Fascia
One of the key concepts in modern pain management is the role of fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and organs. The deeply impactful book "Anatomy Trains" by Thomas Myers, beautifully describes fascia and how it plays a crucial role in the body's structural integrity and movement patterns. When fascia is healthy and well-maintained, it allows for smooth and pain-free movement. When its tight or restricted, it usually leads to pain and discomfort.
1) Active & Passive Fascia Mobility Techniques
Maintaining healthy fascia is key to pain relief. This can be done through both active and passive means.
Active Techniques: This involves movements that are intentionally designed to warm up and prime tissue groupings.
Example of an Active Technique:
Walking Lunge w/ Rotation: Keeping the initial steps relatively short and your weight/center of gravity further back in your stance, rotate upper body slowly overtop of front leg first, then add some hinging of the torso, trying to reach front pinky toe with opposite hand, finishing the movement with a hard drive of a flat foot into the ground, firing the glute on the way up.
Passive Techniques: Passive fascial release, involves maintaining positions that apply sustained pressure to the fascia but with the concept of cross-friction in mind. This can be done using tools like massage balls, foam rollers, and other soft tissue tools.
Best Practices for Passive Techniques:
When utilizing foam rolling, sure traditional rolling can be effective, however think of which way the muscle fibers run and apply pressure in a perpendicular fashion. This is called “cross friction,” a technique that is highly effective in relaxing stubborn tissue. If using massage balls to target smaller areas, utilize the same concept. Place the ball on a sore spot and allow your body weight to slowly apply more pressure over a 1-2 minute period before moving to another spot.
Proper Breathing
Breathing is sorely misunderstood and under valued in terms of pain management as it has a large effective on our state of arousal and hence our sensitively levels to internal and external factors. James Nestor’s book "Breath" highlights the importance of proper breathing techniques and how it's directly tied to our performance, sleep, recovery, and mood. Many people develop poor breathing habits over time, which can contribute to stress, tension, and even pain. By learning to consistently take slow and quiet inhales through your nose while expanding the lower abdomen in a 360 degree fashion, one can drastically their stress levels and build proper trunk control during activity.
2) Box Breathing:
A Military Technique for Quick Relaxation
Box breathing has its origins in the military, particularly among Navy SEALs. This technique was developed to help soldiers stay calm and focused under pressure. This method is great for lowing heart rate, reducing stress in the shoulders and simply promoting relaxation.
How to Get Started with Box Breathing:
Inhale for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, exhale for a count of four, and hold again for a count of four. Repeat for several minutes. Feel free to slowly progress to longer intervals, making the box “bigger” over time. Progressing the interval will replicate higher stress levels but in an controlled environment, proving to yourself you have control of your mental state. It will also increase your tolerance to higher CO2 levels in your blood stream which increases oxygens ability to leave the blood stream and enter tissues that need it most.
3) Isometric Exercise
Isometric exercise involve contracting muscles without changing their length. This type of exercise can greatly improve connective tissue health, as it helps strengthen the tendons and ligaments primarily, also reducing pain in the process. Dr. Schultz utilizes isometrics prior to most adjustments to relax the joint complex making the manipulation more effective.
How to Get Started with Isometric Exercises:
Ballistic Isometrics: These are fast and short burst muscle contractions lasting .5 - 2sec contractions with the goal of increasing how quickly one can develop force output, great for speed based sports like running, football, basketball, etc. Think 5-6 sets of 1 second leg drive into a bar set on squat rack that can’t be moved.
Max Force Isometrics: Similar to the set up of ballistic isometrics, max force iso’s require bar or belt positions that replicate common athletic joint angles and driving into those immovable objects at maximal efforts. The most effective protocols involve 3x3x4sec holds, spread out over 3-4 different exercises.
Long Duration Isometrics: These are muscle contractions that will be held and sub maximal efforts, closer to 80% effort but for longer intervals, around 20-45 seconds per rep. These are especially effective for remodeling and rebuilding tendons around joints that have been chronically problematic.
Our Why
One of our biggest pillars is to help you help yourself! By incorporating healthy fascia strategies, practicing proper breathing and utilizing isometric exercises, you can simply improve your overall quality of life, for free! Remember however, managing chronic pain requires a level of commitment to engage in healthy lifestyle changes, but the rewards are well worth the effort. Embrace the journey and take charge of your current situation.
Now, knowing how to reduce symptoms in the moment is one thing.
Actually resolving the longstanding causes requires a more detailed & long term solution.
That’s where we come in!

I’m Dr Dom, and I've been where you are!
As a former Division 1 football & rugby player, Jiu Jitsu practitioner, long distance runner, and last but not least an active father of 3, I have experienced many injuries, some that have left me searching for anything that will get me relief. However, what I found in my darkest moments is there is nothing that provides relief and confidence quite like getting the injured tissue activated through meaningful and intentional movement! Thats why I founded CHC, to help people like me resolve those nagging issues and empower them to do what they once thought wasn’t possible again.
Ready to see how I can help you transform your situation?
Benefits of our care
Move with less pain
Cutting edge joint manipulations and soft tissue treatment that will facilitate a better healing environment at the source of pain
Increase strength and performance
Up to date training protocols aimed at improving your brains ability to recruit complimentary muscle groups, gain muscle strength, and improve system wide stability.
Waste less time avoiding ineffective methods
“Gain time back” by receiving consistent education around common misunderstandings and learn how to use the most time efficient strategies to maintain the health you desire!
“I don’t even think about it anymore.”
Lex is 60yr old former college athlete that was dealing with debilitating hip pain and was worried he’d lose his ability to compete or even coach!
“From barely being able to pick up my child or get in and out of a car to zero pain.”
“I cannot recommend this place enough! The doctor is polite, personable and encouraging throughout the entire process. The treatments here are not a one size fits all, everything is personalized on the individuals body mechanics. If you're willing to put in the time to do your end you're definitely going to see results!” - Dustan
“Generally helped me become far more fit than I’ve ever been in my life”
“Dr. Dom takes the time to get to know his patients, understand their concerns, and develop a course of care that leaves them feeling great. He’s done everything you’d expect from a chiropractor—adjusted my back and neck for instance—but he’s also realigned ribs, helped me overcome hip pain and shin splints from running.” - Steve