We believe in becoming stronger then you were before the injury!
Life can be unforgiving! Unforeseeable events can lead to acute injury, decreased physical activity, low confidence levels, or chronic compensation; ultimately leading to pain and dysfunction. One or all of these is virtually unavoidable.
What dictates quality of life after said events is the action we take to improve ourselves.
When standard physical therapy doesn’t help, we will find you answers! We will assess your whole history, help connect dots, build a comprehensive rehab program, and equip you with the knowledge, confidence and tools to take CHARGE of your situation and become stronger than ever before!
Rehabilitation or “physical therapy” is effective because of our bodies preference to move and be strong.
When joints are weak, arthritis will work its way in, building more bone to stabilize the joint, but causing pain in the process. It is critical to regain full control of a joint by restoring awareness, active range of motion, and strength of all muscles involved.
Conditions that require physical therapy:
Rotator cuff tear
Athletic injuries